Welcome Freya!

Hello! My name is Freya and I have recently joined the LinkAge family as the Community Development Worker for Henbury and Brentry. My first few weeks have been jam packed, attending community events, hosting my first Advisory Group and getting to know the wonderful residents of Henbury and Brentry.
I have spent the past 2 years running a youth social action programme in Bristol, supporting young people to become more actively involved in their communities and tackling issues which are important to them.  In my spare time I play hockey with a local team, sing in a choir (despite the fact that I’m tone deaf!) and try to enjoy the great outdoors as much as I can.
I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Freya Dodd,
Henbury and Brentry Community Development Worker – Bristol Charities
07584 279 487/communitydevelopment@bristolcharities.org.uk