LinkAge is proud to be partnering local business Middletons for the Summer of Age.
Middletons were really impressed with what LinkAge and Young Bristol delivered last year and are actively supporting, promoting and volunteering with us. We kick started the Summer of Age with a photo call at Middletons showroom.
“Middletons is very proud to work in partnership with LinkAge. We share many of the same ideals, and our products help people to improve their lives and rediscover their independence.” Lucy Emery- Middletons
Ricky Bush from LinkAge attended the photo call with Young Bristol “We are really thrilled to be working with Middletons as what they do to support people to remain independent really complements the work we are doing in LinkAge. We also had a go on the scooters and they were really, really nippy!”
The Summer of Age has now ‘gone live!’ Some of the first activities being an ‘itea4U’ session in Redcliffe. 18 young people and 12 older people attended the session and we had some lovely feedback from participants around what they learnt through the intergenerational session:
Older People
“Getting to know the young people, they need us and we need them.”
“Young people are friends”
“The young men were really helpful and showed me how to do things and then they let me do it”
“Young and old really worked – lovely young people”
“I really enjoyed being with the young people”
Young People
“A sense of achievement through being able to help others”
“How to keep my cool when teaching."
"They can be savvy with current tech!”
"They can be savvy with current tech!”
“Everyone needs help in different ways and you learn something new by helping”
“That the older generation learn very fast”
“I learnt that there are things that I can teach people”
We also held two National Citizenship Service training session in the afternoon. These workshops are interactive, fun and engaging sessions that raise awareness with young people around the realities of living with loneliness but also the positive solutions that LinkAge and local communities are implementing to tackle this issue. We also want young people to think about what they can do to support older people in their community. 37 young people attended and we have another seven sessions scheduled over the summer.
Other activities scheduled this week include:
• New Age Kurling (2 sessions)
• I tea 4 U (one session)
• Poetry (one session)
Intergenerational activities will be taking place throughout the summer with our celebration event scheduled for the 28th August at Riverside Youth Project.
LinkAge would also like to thank Young Bristol and Quartet for their support.
For more details or to book on one of the sessions please phone the office on:
0117 3533042
We hope to see you there!!