On Tuesday 1st December, LinkAge were asked to join the international debate on loneliness by Al Jezeera TV’s, The Stream.
Bob Harris, LinkAge Advisory Group member, walk leader, volunteer and participant was one of four cyber guests on the show. Bob spoke about his views on loneliness and in particular how walking has helped. Other guests on the show included Lucy Schnurpfeil, Chairman of AltenHilfe Afrika, Gladys Morris, 77 year old from public assistance and Christina Victor, Professor of Gerontology at Brunel University London.
The focus for the debate was loneliness. The Stream spoke about how older people are often isolated by deteriorating health and can seem invisible. Yet by 2047, people over age 60 will outnumber people under 16. Their well-being will be a global concern in the future, but for now, it’s up to their communities to care. The Stream explored the isolation of aging, and how older people can build their emotional resilience against the health effects of loneliness.
The advice from the guests of the show included:
Christina Victor: We all wanted to be accepted as independent and autonomous people in society. Look for opportunities for older and younger people to interact with each other.
Bob Harris: LinkAge gets people together to walk as a way to overcome isolation.
Gladys Morris: Be humble, be kind, and treat ppl the way you wish to be treated.
Please click on the link to find out more and watch the show