Did you hear our Chief Executive Officer Jo Stokes and her mother Pat on the Babbers Radio Show?
Jo Stokes was invited onto the Babbers Show on Monday 2nd April, to talk about LinkAge Network and our new exciting projects.
Jo talked about the new project ‘Talking Tables’, which is a cookery project for people aged 50+. The six to eight week free courses are run in partnership with Lawrence Weston Community Farm, St Werburghs City Farm and Windmill Hill City Farm, and will provide people aged 50+ with skills and knowledge to cook nutritious and tasty food, as well as the opportunity to meet and socialise with other local people.
Jo also spoke about our Post-Retirement Opportunities project which will be starting later this year. The project will run informative events that will signpost older people coming up to retirement to their options, and will also include opportunities in volunteering, employment and other activities that may be of interest.
To find out more about LinkAge Network and our projects please call 0117 353 3042. To catch up on the Babbers show listen here:
Courtesy of Ujima Radio and the Babbers Show.