Over the next 10 to 15 years the UK will experience an unprecedented change in the fabric of its society. As life expectancy increases, …

Over the next 10 to 15 years the UK will experience an unprecedented change in the fabric of its society. As life expectancy increases, …
The aim of the research was originally to help inform our thinking about the role Lankelly Chase could and should play as a national …
Wanting to correct an injustice, make life and the place you live better or feeling responsible for others in your community – these are …
Loneliness in later life is a common problem with poor health outcomes. However, interventions to prevent or ameliorate loneliness have a weak evidence base. …
” We often speak about older people in general (and not about different individuals), about “the” process of ageing (and not about the multiple, …
How can people who have been excluded from power play an equal role? Claire Ainsley suggests three ideas for reforming democracy. New plans have …
Investing in People and Culture (IPC) and Middlesbrough Environment City (MEC) set out to understand what the Asylum Seeker and Refugee community (50+) need,
If we ask people to look for deficits, they will usually find them, and their view of situations will be coloured by this. If …
Shaping our Age was a three year research and development project supported by the Big Lottery Research Programme and a unique partnership between WRVS …
This research looks at the current and future value of community development in the UK. Funded by Community Development Foundation (CDF) legacy money and …