LinkAge Network is excited to have been a part of the Celebrating Age Festival team this month.
Together with Age UK Bristol, Bristol Ageing Better, St Monica Trust and Bristol Active Ageing, we have brought Bristol a wide programme of events and activities to try for everyone aged 55 and over.
This week saw the first Festival of Ideas event discussing ‘What does it mean to retire in 2019?’, which tied into our Post-Retirement Opportunities (PRO) project and also Bristol Ageing Better’s employer’s toolkit. We saw a clip from the first episode of ‘One Foot in the Grave’, when Victor Meldrew was forced to retire and has nothing to do, and asked: “Is this what it means to retire?”.
We heard about the danger of inequality increasing for people of retirement age; for example comparing the experiences of those who have enough money and access to leisure, learning and flexible work with those who have insufficient resources and inadequate housing. And we discussed what needs to change: what about accessible training opportunities for the older workforce to provide the up-skilling which is essential for modern jobs?
The conversation will continue for individuals who would like to look at their own age of retirement on 24 October when LinkAge Network is running a free PRO workshop on planning for your retirement.
To book your free place, visit Eventbrite or call us on 0117 353 3042.