It’s a year since Sammy’s Pop Up Club’s first session and how the group has grown!
The group which is supported by LinkAge Bristol and based in St Paul’s, provide a range of stimulating activities to encourage older people to socialise, learn new skills and most importantly enjoy themselves.
In early 2015, Elaine Roberts and fellow group volunteers first noticed that many of the older people at Carr House did not go out or socialise. Seeing first-hand how isolation and loneliness was a problem for a lot of the older people, it led them to set up Sammy’s Pop Up Club. In March 2015, the group held its first session and it has been clear to see how beneficial social connection is for older people.
Volunteers not only help to run the club which is attended by approximately 20 people, but they also provide transport to those who otherwise are unable to get out The volunteers also help to run day trips and special events, such as Christmas lunches.
The group has recently been successful in securing Kick Start funding from Bristol Ageing Better. The money from this will help to provide new activities at the group.
Sammy’s Pop Up Club takes place every Wednesday from 1:30 – 4pm in the community hall, Carrs House. For more information please call 0117 935 4471.